In the strictest definition, a Mac is a PC because PC stands for personal computer. However, in everyday use, the term PC typically refers to a computer running the Windows operating system, not the operating system made by Apple.Aug 14, 2023
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Ultimately, it comes down to what works best for you. There's no reason to hold out on smaller, impactful upgrades just because you'll want to build a new computer down the line, but there's also no reason to throw out a perfectly good PC just because it can't support the latest and the greatest in PC hardware.Nov 17, 2023
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So if yours is 5 years old or more, some laptop repairs may not be worth it versus purchasing a new one. If all you need is a new battery, you might want to consider a repair. If the damage is more extensive, a new computer might be the better option.Feb 1, 2023
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If your current computer is more than eight years old, or if when you use the Crucial® Advisor™ tool or System Scanner tool you get very few compatibile parts, you might think about buying a new system.
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Con: Lenovo Design Is Considered too Standard Many of their laptops have a straightforward “business” design that doesn't make the best first impression on most users. The design of their machines also isn't very intuitive for high demand applications like gaming and digital media production.
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Heat and humidity are two elements to keep an eye on, as both of these can cause damage to the internal components of a laptop computer over time. Additionally, dust buildup or exposure to liquid can lead to the same issue.
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